
Hi Nadia, We can't THANK YOU enough for all your help in planning my bridal showertini last night. Both Greg and Mike were FANTASTIC and provided so much entertainment for the night. Everyone had a blast (some people were a bit shy with having them around) and I had so much fun watching people's faces when they realized that our "Handsome Helpers" were here for our party. They were energetic, outgoing and were great for all ages and with them around no one really even cared about the raffle prizes or playing the games (and this was a crowd that lives for shower games) - they all just wanted to get their photos in before the guys left. We even had a 5-month old posing for photos with the biggest smile on her face. I can honestly say that, when Greg and Mike left, the atmosphere was definitely not the same. We even had a table willing to start a "donation" pool to raise money to get them to stay for the rest of the night. I think your husband showed up last night? LOL we had a few people thinking he was the third piece of entertainment and were wondering when he was going to "get into uniform". Honestly though, we couldn't be more happy and everyone was saying this was the best shower they've ever been to. Steve the photographer was also great. Very engaging and personable. It was definitely worth having him around and I'm very excited to see the photos. He interacted well with everyone, including Mike and Greg, which only made the night more enjoyable. I will definitely be more than happy to recommend you to anyone I know Thanks again!

Adriana, Fil and Maria